Description of the project
GB Catalyst is a company specialized in the recovery and enhancement of exhausted catalysts and offers innovative solutions for the recovery of precious metals. The Fair in which it will participate is Ecomondo 2022 “Rivoluzione Ecoindustriale”. The target foreign markets for carrying out the activities identified are those of Eastern Europe. The main expected results are the start of commercial relations with new italian and foreign operators.
The objectives of the project are to increase the share of turnover deriving from operations carried out on international markets by about 15%, consolidate the visibility of the independent brand and strengthen the image of the company not only as a leader in the sector in the spare parts trade for motor vehicles but also in the sustainability sector for innovative solutions and R&D investment activities.
GB Catalyst’s 2022 export project envisages an increase in the incidence of the export share on turnover through the launch of commercial relationships with new italian and international operators, in particular in the previously identified target markets. Furthermore, a further expansion of the commercial perimeter is envisaged, which will allow the positive trend of growth of active customers to be maintained constant.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund